This is one of my favorite recipes and it is really easy to make!
For the sesame chicken you will need:
- Sesame seed. I use both black and white but this has more to do with appearance than with taste.
- Chicken breast strips
I combine the sesame seeds in a little bowl so I can dip the strips and cover them with the seeds.
After dipping each of the strips I lay them on a non-sticking tray and put them in the oven for 15 minutes
For the sauce you will need:
- Peanut butter. I use mine that is home made with no oils or salt added.
- Soy sauce
- Sugar. I use brow sugar.
- Hot water
In a little container I mix 2 spoons of peanut butter, 1 spoon of sugar and a drip of soy sauce then I add around 3 to 4 ounces of hot water to the mix and start to blend everything together. I don't really measure the amount of water I just keep adding more until the sugar and the peanut butter are completely lump free and everything has turned into a paste.
After 15 minutes I take the chicken out of the oven and serve it with some celery sticks to complete a healthy and well balanced meal.
Have a lovely weekend!