Monday was a very busy day. One of those days where time flies by and then at night you just can't be bothered with cooking dinner. Yesterday was one of those days for me.
I was so anxious getting things done that I decided it was time to make it back to yoga class. How is that even related you may ask. This is how: when everything -even the smallest little things- start getting on my nerves I know it's time. Time to invest in soul soothing yoga sessions.
It was the hardest yoga class EVER. I felt stiff, un-relaxed and rusty. Maybe it didn't help that I tried a new workout at the gym that morning. Yes, maybe not a good idea. I am sore all over. It's hard to sit down, stand up and I don't even want to discuss how difficult it was to get out of bed today.
But soreness is good. It means I am pushing my body. While training for the marathon I remember being sore all the time and even though I complained back then I do miss it now.
After yoga class I came home and Heinz and I decided to go out for dinner. I am grateful for nights like this. Unplanned late night dates. It's a tiny thing -we had tacos for crying out loud- but my heart melts when I realize that we enjoy each others company. Many may find this to be something implicit in a marriage but I don't. I don't -and never will- take it for granted.
After that little joy-note I want to share this week goals:
1. Cut down carb consumption
I think I am going a little crazy with carbs. I am not one of those carbs -or any type of food group- hater. I believe in a well balanced diet. Even though I am not working out as much as I used to a couple of months ago my diet is pretty much the same! I have to lower my carbs intake to one of a person with a moderate workout routine.
2. Make peace with my body
Since I had the -stated above- carb issue I've hit a plateau with my body. I refuse to obsess about weights and appearance but when I say 'I refuse' I don't mean I don't. I want to learn how to make peace with my body. I am sure it should read making peace with my mind though.
3. Meditation class
My yoga studio offers one meditation class per week. Best of all: it is free. I want to take advantage of this opportunity and I don't want to give it away but body, peace, mind and meditation. Is it just me or... are all my goals linked. Give it some thought.
4. Finish "standby" projects
I have so many unfinished projects. I HAVE to make myself finish them. I've currently put some of them in stand-by mode because I get so excited with new projects that my attention gets easily diverted. I want to get at least two projects done.
5. Attempt one long run
I've been running no farther than 5KM per run. I think it is time to start building up. This weekend seems appropriate.
As you see they are not big -over the top- goals. They help me stay focused and on track. I'll give you an update at the end of the week. That should make me feel accountable enough.
What about you? Any special goals for this week?