Yesterday ended up being one of the most productive days I've had in quite some time. The only inconvenience is I was at bed by 10:00 PM.
I had a light dinner. It was poulet au vin blanc et citron. Did I amaze you? It was chicken breast cooked in white wine and a little bit of lime. Cool name right? I just made it up! everything sounds so elaborate in french. Maybe I'll name every recipe with a french title. People will think I'm a chef or something.
This recipe is fairly simple. In a deep oven safe container place 2 chicken breasts and sliced mushrooms. Add 1/4 cup of white wine, chopped chives, salt, pepper and the juice of half a lime.
Let it cook in the oven for about 30 minutes and serve with greens. The best part is you can use the wine sauce as dressing. I added it to some green beans.
On with today.
I am liking thursdays lately. Writing down a list of things that make me happy has helped in keeping me focused on the "good stuff". I know things are hard when I have nightmares. Yesterday I dreamt there were two horrible animals in my house and one of them even bit my finger! awful. I am a big dream believer. Not as in that they can predict the future but I believe they do mean something.
But let's not forget this blog is about being happy so on with the amazing things.
1. I am a member of Healthy Living Blogs!
It makes me so happy to feel I am part of a big community and such a great one! A group of people striving, struggling and searching motivation for a healthier life. Sign me up!
2. Talented hubby
In case you may want to see what I mean by talented make a quick stop by his vimeo.
3. Meditation
I forgot to discuss how amazing the meditation class went last week. Long story short: I went with a headache and left with none!
I absolutely dislike taking medicines even if it's aspirin. If you are not into them either I suggest you try meditation for headaches. It did wonders for me.
4. Living 30 minutes away from the beach.
I went to the beach on sunday and came back with dunes of sand in my bikini. We are trying to hit the beach on the weekends. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this gift of nature (beautiful beach and summer weather).
5. Colorful nail polish
If I'm feeling blah this will always bright up my day. This time I chose bright green.
Have you ever tried adding some color to light up a lousy day or week? What color are you currently rocking on your nails?
What is your mood-uplifting remedy?