This weekend was just...sigh...amazing. It is no secret that I am a planning addict but even an organization freak like me can find true joy in a series of spontaneous events.
This is how it went:
The only activity in my agenda was to try out the Yasso 800's on saturday morning. The Yasso 800's is an interval training workout that takes the name of its creator-discoverer Bart Yasso. I haven't met him personally (haha) but I've read some of his articles and he seems like a really cool guy.
According to Bart -yes, I call him by his first name- the time it takes for you to run 800 meters can predict your finishing marathon time. Let me explain. If you run 800 meters in 4 minutes you may finish a marathon in 4 hours, 5 minutes = 5 hours and so on.
I have no plans to run a second marathon this year but when I read about this it did intrigue me. Was I in a 5, 4, 3 minute shape?? I could not continue living without knowing so saturday morning I decided to hit the track.
Of course I dragged some people along. My bestie and running buddy Linda and my lovely hubby who took all these great pictures as well as our times.
We started with a 400M (2 laps) warm up. Then we combined a mix of static and dynamic stretches. We finished with 2x800's each.
And to put an end to the mystery here are my times:
When I read about the Yasso 800's 5 minutes was the longer I've read when citing an example. Not 9!!!!! does this mean I would finish a marathon in 9 hours??? That is just plain silly! That is more than 3 hours longer than what it took me two months ago! Did I get so out of shape in such a short time? Or is it each lap that counts? Who knows. At least we got some great workout out of this experiment plus I got my pretty friend to commit to saturday morning speedwork sessions = no friday night fun. Yes to aging gracefully
After crossing out the words -morning workout- from my agenda my day was wide open. Since Heinz was supportive enough to come with me to a running related activity -on a saturday morning!- it was only fair to be supportive in return. We decided to go to the beach so he could get some surfing done in the afternoon.
After breakfast we drove to the beach and 40 minutes later we were greeted by this:
The waves were kind of small which would've been perfect if only I had decided to bring my surf-safe-bikini. I am scared of big waves and of bikini malfunctions.
Heinz -of course- came fully prepared and I hadn't even blinked when he said "ok see you later" and went straight into the water. The day was perfect! It wasn't crowded, it was quiet and relaxing.
The beach we normally go to is El Sunzal which is home to great waves and cool people who do cool stuff. I had been wanting to try a new craft beer from a brewery that recently opened -you know me! I am a beer fanatic!- It is the first craft brewery here in El Salvador. Beach+craft beer= Ruth's must-haves.
Heinz called one of his friends who -jealous- lives by the beach. We got together with him and his girlfriend. The brewery was closed but you can still try the beers at Mopelia. Mopelia's owner -Gilles- kindly introduced us to our options. Have I mentioned that people are very friendly in this beach town? Because they are!
We tried three different types of beers. I had the Mercurio Ipa and it was AMAZING! Absolutely amazing! I wish I was a professional beer taster so I could describe -with appropriate words- the incredible taste in my mouth and the happiness in my heart felt with each sip of this beer.
The other two -the really dark one and the lighter one- were good as well but my favorite was with no doubt the Mercurio Ipa. Cheers to the brewers! They run a really fun blog where they share about moving to El Salvador, coffee and beer. You may read more about them here.
Sunday unraveled equal amount of fun with church service, frozen yogurt and a late night movie with the hubs. Snow White and the Huntsman had me dreaming of Thor all night long.Only he was dressed up as Heinz in my dreams. haha.
Even though I am not a big fan of Kristen Stewart the movie turned out to be better than I expected. I actually really liked it. The story gets kind of slow towards the end and I didn't get the seven dwarfs thing until very late in the movie. Don't worry I wont give out any spoilers. Go check it out yourself and then come back and tell me if you liked it.
That is all. This turned out to be a long post but its filled with valuable information. I hope you stuck until the very end.
If anyone has ever tried the Yasso 800's could you please let me know exaclty how they work. I am doomed to a 9 hour marathon?
I hope your weekend was filled with speedwork and craft beer as well.