Monday mornings are very special for me. I tend to think and analyze what I did over the weekend and I also plan for the week ahead.
I get very thoughtful and it usually takes me a little time (translate to morning coffee) to get things started -because I am busy thinking ya' know-
I thought about sharing my weekend activities but then...why not share something more useful; I doubt looking at pictures of oysters and sand will be of any use to others. Although they do make colorful posts right?
So if you are up for a picture-less post do stick around because today I will share 5 things that help me beat bad mood.
Bad mood is like the flu! We all get it once in a while and it can be highly contagious. Disgusting. I'd rather be in bed sick than at the beach with a bad mood-er or even worst with bad mood myself.
But lets be honest. There are many things that can be frustrating & enraging. There are things that are completely out of our control and for me something I can't fix is what will normally trigger a bad mood flare up.
FYI we are all prone and nobody is immune so if you do NOT like bad mood maybe this will be useful to you.
Whenever in a bad mood you can:
1. Go out for a run
No secret there fellows. A run is a run. Treadmill, trail, thirty minutes, speed work...doesn't matter. Walk, hop, jog or run. Get out! Move around and get some physical activity done.
I won't credit myself for coming up with this one because well...she did:

I know I said picture-less but come on...Elle Woods deserves a picture!
And I know you might be thinking "What if I am in an enclosed space and can't get out"
Well then Numero 2 is for you.
2. Set up a personal fort
I hear you my friends. Maybe you are at your workplace and you can't just be like "Ok, I'll go run now". That will usually get you fired and we wouldn't want that.
I used to work at this place where there was a girl who was always -ALWAYS- in a bad mood. Monday mornings, afternoons, lunch and even when it was time to go home she would complain. People like her can be tiring and let's be honest it can get YOU into a bad mood too! As I said it is contagious.
What to do? First and foremost, do not engage into any personal conversation with this kind of people. They will drag you to Frustration Land. Now, don't be rude, listen to them and act like you care but get yourself out of their personal space as soon as possible. You see there are people who are negative & proud. They can't be bothered being different and it may be harsh but if you have ever tried to convince them other wise you will have seen that bad mood is their comfort zone.
What I did is that I built my personal fort. I would go to my computer and counter weight my co-worker's bad mood with happy, amazing things like:
- Running blogs like Ali's
- Travel and life inspiring blogs like Chris's
- and of course THIS
When it comes to the blogging world people will most likely share their success or struggle stories, their running PR's, trips, happy moments, DIY's, etc. In one word: achievements. The results may not always be as expected but they are achievements none the less.
I love to read blogs that are about getting things done. From making your own hairdo to completing a marathon. From pictures of what I eat in a day to what I wore today outfits these personal snapshots of other people's life would easily get me in a great -positive- mood.
3. Put it into perspective
How mad you feel will never be equivalent to how fast you sort out a situation so spare yourself the crappy mood. It won't make things any better.
Bad mood won't make you think quicker or act faster.
4. Let it go
There are things you can't change.
5. Think about the future.
Where will you be two days from now? this weekend? next month?
Fast forward your mind to a happy moment: an upcoming vacation, the good book you will read saturday afternoon or just tomorrow's morning coffee.
Whatever is getting you into a bad mood is momentary. In a year from now you won't remember what got you in a bad mood today.
I hope it helps! What about you? What are your bad mood emergency medicines? I'd love to hear from you!