Happy Thursday is here!!!!
I'm super excited today, I also just had a huge glass of iced coffee so expect fireworks people!
Nah, just kidding...about the fireworks that is but not about my current state.
The countdown is o.v.e.r! I am beyond...what is the word I'm looking for???... yeah EXCITED that the Olympic Games start tomorrow.
Exactly at 13 hours I will be watching the opening ceremony live from the comfort of my living room. Heinz will bring the food and I will bring the...yes...EXCITEMENT!
To honor this highly anticipated event here are my five London2012 happy things:
1. El Salvador at the opening ceremony
Why? because I will get to see our athletes wearing an outfit designed by my sister! Even if it is for a fraction of a second the world will get to see a token of her talent.
2. The opening ceremony itself
Last one was superb! Now I want to see what Danny Boyle's has to offer.
3. Spreading Hope
What I love most about the Olympics is that you get to hear about these amazing success stories of regular people training hard and overcoming obstacles to pursue their dreams. Hearing about all the challenges and sacrifices made by these hard working athletes is just inspiring.
4. Awarding ceremonies
I predict I will be crying. A lot. Even when the athletes don't cry I cry! I guess it has to do with the fact that I would love to experience the feeling of winning an Olympic medal -or any medal for that matter- knowing I am representing my country. Don't call it crying call it dream channeling.
5. Running competitions
Is anyone looking forward to something else? I didn't think so.
Now it's your turn to tell me what you love most about the Olympics. What are you looking forward to? Running? Gymnastics? Watching your country's athletes compete?
The Olympics start tomorrow damn it! spread the joy!