There is something about eggs that have me experimenting with them.
Behold my latest creation: green muffins!!!!!
I used:
- 1 medium broccoli
- 1/2 can of chickpeas
- 4 chives
- 2 eggs
- salt
These was enough to make 8 muffins.
I boiled some water and steamed the broccoli. I drained it and combined it with the chickpeas, chives and salt. I used a blender to get a thick paste and the final step was to add the two eggs. I gave it a final stir with a spoon and filled the muffin pan with the mix.
I let it bake for about 20 minutes and it was done!
I am making these again very very soon! I feel like trying out different options like adding mushrooms or cheese to the mix.
A very important thing to point out is that they are gluten free. I didn't use any flour whatsoever! I should get a point for that.
Will you be trying them out? If you do let me know!!!!!