Remember I told you I would be doing more "what I ate in a day" posts. Well I like to be considered a lady of my words!
Yesterday I tried to snap a picture of every meal and today I am sharing it.
Breakfast was a classic two colored toasts. What do I mean by two colors? This!
I needed to make it a quick breakfast so I chose a basic cream cheese and Nutella double toast. I came up with this breakfast on a day I couldn't decide if I was craving salty or sweet. Why not have both?
I ate an apple as a morning snack. No picture necessary there.
For lunch I was still running late so I wanted to grab a quick bite of something that wouldn't be too heavy because I wanted to squeeze in a lunch time workout. I looked around in my fridge and saw a couple of sweet potatoes I bought to try them out for the first time. I had never ever tried them before! crazy...I know.
I did a quick search on-line to find out how long they took to cook and found -on yahoo answers!- they could be done in 10 minutes.
Lunch was broiled chickpeas and sweet potatoes with fresh mozzarella.
For this recipe I used:
- 1 medium sweet potato
- 1 can of chickpeas
- 1 ball of fresh mozzarella
- French fries powder
To cook the sweet potato I pinched it with a knife a couple of times, wrapped it in a kitchen towel and threw it in the microwave for three minutes. I took it out, peeled it (with care because it was hot) and cut it into squares. I placed them, together with the chickpeas, on a foil paper sheet, I drizzled a little bit of olive oil only over the sweet potatoes and finally sprinkled some french fries powder over everything.
After ten minutes everything was done!!!!!!!
To be completely honest I LOVED this mix of food! The cheese gave it a fresh touch and the sweet taste with the spiciness of the powder was delicious. I made enough to save for Heinz' dinner.
At the gym I did a quick 20 minute inclined treadmill warm-up walk. I continued with a -mostly- lower body circuit workout:
5x15 reps of each exercise
- Crab squats in one place with one 20 lbs dumbbell.
- Dead-lifts with two 15 lbs dumbbells. One on each hand.
- Regular squats with two 10 lbs dumbbells. One on each hand.
- Standing shoulder press with two 10 lbs dumbbells. One on each hand.
I added an upper body exercise as a "resting time" between each of the sets, you see my legs rest while my shoulders are burning! that way I don't sit around counting a minute between the reps.
I finished with a 3 miles in 30 minute run and it felt good!!
For dinner I cooked a salmon fillet and broiled more vegetables. I didn't take a picture because it was dark. I will cook it again and I will share the recipe in another post because it was THAT good. I was trying out the recipe for tonight's special dinner.
If you come around tomorrow maybe you'll find out what was special about tonight. Besides my salmon of course.
Well for a typical day this turned out to be a rather longish post.
I hope you give the sweet potatoes a try. In case you haven't. Like me. Let me know because it would make me feel less weird.