But happy nonetheless.
Between the choice to either squeeze in a workout or blog...I chose the workout.
Yesterday I could have stayed at home and write about my new strength training routine or I could actually go and do it.
So I did.
But that doesn't mean that YOU get to skip the highly anticipated happy thursday installment of this -my birthday- week.
Of course yesterday's happy-things list will basically cover all my birthday presents.
1. My new running shoes.
That dreaded time was right around the corner: I HAD to change my running shoes. THE running shoes I ran my first marathon in. Even though I was afraid that day would come there was no better excuse than my birthday to get myself a new pair.
Out with the old ones In with the neon new
What I will do with the old ones is still uncertain. What do people do??? Shouldn't I deep them in gold or something like that?
2. My new running shoes.
Nope, you read it right. I have two pairs of new shoes. I have the Brooks Pure Connect for short runs, speed work and racing and I have the Ghost for longer and recovery runs. They offer more support than the Pure Connect which makes it great for alternating from a minimalist shoe.
I had the Ghost 4 now I have the Ghost 5.
As a side note I want to point out my love for Brooks. Even the boxes where the shoes come in are so full of joy! Brooks Run Happy you truly make my runs happier.
3. Sparkly Soul
Sparkling while running: sign me up. I had read a lot about these headbands, everyone seemed to be crazy about them so I wanted to give them a try.
Heinz got them for me as a surprise gift and he bought a black and a pink one. They are lovely and you don't need me to tell you that as that is obvious. What you need me to tell you is that they REALLY don't ever E.V.E.R fall off.
I had tried several headbands before as my hair tends to get in my face specially with yoga. They all slipped away as I did my first downward dog. If yoga didn't keep them in place running was out of the question.
But people swore by these sparkling beauties so I had nothing to lose.
I wore the black one for a 3-mile run. No slip. Nada. I wore them later to the gym. No slip either!
If they hold up in those two activities yoga will be no problem.
Now that I know they truly don't slip I want them in every single color. All of them.
4. Haruki Murakami
I am currently reading Murakami's "What I talk about when I talk about running". If you are a runner -or not- you must read this book! It is amazing how Haruki (yes I call him by his first name now) is able to perfectly describe life and running metaphors without going to the cheesy side. He has me reading and nodding, reading and nodding.
Simply Exquisite.
Oh! and we have so much in common...if by any chance anyone reading this blog knows Haruki please introduce us. I want to let him now we are best friends now.
5. My new strength training routine
I am sooooo happy I am in a love-again relationship with the gym. I talked to a new trainer and we discussed about a new routine. He had me drop my lifting to a minimum weight which means I am lifting between 5 to 10 lbs at the most. He introduced me to muscle isolating exercises and he spent one day teaching me proper exercise postures.
My body is so sore -translate to- I am liking the gym again. I can't believe how less weight would have me shaking like I do when I do my new routine. I will share it in a new post because it deserves further discussion.
As you can see 4 out of 5 things are running related. My name is Ruth and I am addicted to running. There is no shame in that. It is who I am and to know that I don't only say it but I live it too makes me very happy.
How about you? Is your birthday usually one theme related? is it running related like mine? yoga? finger paints?