Thursday is the day I write five things that have recently made me happy but I want to mix it up a little today.
We all go through those -not very sunny- stages, days, moments, thoughts where it seems harder to list even a couple of happy things.
I'm going through one of those unpleasant days/week but this blog is about choosing to be thankful and yes, happy. That means you don't get the whining part.
I was going through my twitter feed when I found this:
Now, Chris Powell is simply the most amazing, kind -and it has to be!- trainer anyone could ask for. If he told me to burpee myself out -damn it- I'd do it. If he told me to jump up, jump higher, do push-ups and push that slide thing people drag on the show my answer would be: Yes Chris. Then I'd die of exhaustion but I would die happy (Unfortunately we are both married -not to each other- so this is only a fitness fantasy oh yes and if you ever read this Chris please say hi to Heidi I am a huge fan of her too!)
Anyways, when I read his tweet on writing yourself a letter filled with love and encouragement I couldn't think of a better time to do it.
So you get to read my letter as a happy-thursday installment only -of course- if you promise to write yours too.
Dear me,
I bet you don't even remember why you were feeling blue a month ago and you know what...that's better. Look up and look forward.
You tend to ask a lot from yourself and even though that has worked and sort of gotten you where you are, well dear, you have to lighten up a bit. Things wont always be smooth and life won't always turn out as expected but your hard work should make you proud.
There are things that are out of your reach and worrying wont speed their solving time. So stop.
Look around and realize that bad/sad/hard moments are temporary unlike the good stuff which is what really sticks around. Heinz is here, your friends are still your friends and you are still a runner. By now you should know if you got into the yoga training program. If you did get in please go out and celebrate. If you didn't don't sweat it, you KNOW you will eventually get your certification.
I want to know how the not-so-new strength training routine is going. I bet it is still making you happy and sweaty. Have you seen how you push yourself harder at the gym? Have you noticed your body changing and your energy rising? You are stronger. Stronger in every way.
As this year is coming to an end pat yourself in the back. This has been your year and there are still three months to go. Three amazing months.
Oh my dear Lord. I am feeling better already. Chris Powell is a genius! Write your letter. Now.