So much, so much to tell!
I had been looking forward to this weekend because our plan for saturday's afternoon was to go pick berries somewhere up in the volcano. We have an inactive (I think it's inactive and it better be) volcano that is within a 20 to 30 minutes drive from the city. It's really beautiful and there are several restaurants and cafes where you can go and enjoy the "different" weather. Different as in a little bit colder maybe around 18°? We salvadoreans are very sensitive to cold weather so anything below 20°'s will have us wrapping ourselves up in wool!
So up we went. The story behind the trip was that a friend of mine (the one who took the About Me pictures for my blog) is an amazing photographer and well, I really want to learn more about taking my photos and getting the results I want. She offered to teach me and another friend (the one who designed the blog!) some basic photography skills.
My friend and I both signed up immediately to her offer and anticipated the weekend every single day of the week.
There was some preparation involved because even though I have a digital camera we would be using an analog one. I took some photography classes in college so I have an "old" camera. I bought it when I started college, 12 years ago...I don't even want to go into that subject.
Anyways, I had to look for it, get new batteries which to my surprise are not in stock at the photography place here in El Salvador! and get film. FILM!.
Off we went to the high lands of the San Salvador's volcano. As a side note I do have to point out we are currently under something we call "rainy season" but whatever.
We got there, got out of the car and...took shelter.

Picking berries and taking pictures didn't happen.
Sunday had a series of much happier (and dryer) events.
I mentioned last week that I would be going out on a run and on a yoga shopping spree. Guess which one of those didn't happen.
This is what I bought.

1. Under Armour seamless essential sports bra
2. Under Armour Hot Shot Heat Gear Capri
3. Nike sweatpants in skinny fit
4. FILA cross front/flared yoga pants
The interesting fact about all these clothes is that they are all new for me -obviously I just bought them- but also I've never wore either the fit or the brand.
I tend to buy clothes that will be good for running, gym and yoga. Frugal but not always so comfortable.
For yoga I mainly use Nike crapris because they are colorful and I also like their fit. My main discomfort with them is about performance. They are tight fitting capris but they roll up a bit, up to behind the knee and when I add some sweat to the equation it can get itchy. During class I find myself pulling them down so I can avoid this and it's distracting. I am not sure if it's the fabric or the fit but this doesn't happen when I run in them
To solve this problem I've decided to try out other brands with different fabrics and fit.
The Under Armour Heat Gear Capri feels amazing. The fabric is way softer than other brands. It's also lighter so I will have to see if my underwear shows when I bend over -not cool- oh, because I DO wear underwear with sport clothes but that's another post. The Nike sweatpants are skinny but not so tight, they are also made out of cotton so I'm going to give it a try. The FILA cross front pants are the best fitted pants I've ever tried on. They are really flattering for my body type (short and not curvy at all) but I have to see how they perform because the fabric feels like the Nike capris I use. I think this one will help me figure out if it is either the fabric or the fit that I have to prioritize.
I will tell you how they do as I begin to wear them. The training approaches and I feel...ready,
Question: have you tried the Under Armour seamless bra? it looks and feels great! I have my doubts when it comes to support but I am really looking forward to trying it out.
When it comes to yoga clothes which one do you prefer? brands? fit? colors?