Coming home has not been as dramatic as I anticipated it would be. I didn't want to leave Costa Rica after my Yoga Teacher Training feeling like I could only be "happy" while I was there.
At the training I felt at home, maybe the most at home I've ever felt, but I know that it has to do more with how I deal with being myself than with being in a particular geographic location.
I changed while I was there. Even Heinz told me he noticed I was different. He used the word grounded which strangely enough was a word that we often used at our teacher training.
I wanted to bring everything good that had happened to me to El Salvador.
I did.
Now my main concern is how to keep it with me.
I've taken a few steps to do it.
The most important one is that I've stopped myself from being too pushy. Before I left I was always on a rush to get things done, to do more and more things so I could cross everything out of my daily planner.
What I'm trying to do -and so far it has gone very very well- is that I rely on what my body and my mind feel more like doing than on a preconceived list of things that I should be doing.
I used to go to the gym, run, yoga, cook, write, work with a preset scheduled I had built based on everything else but my own demands. I wrote my blog posts early in the morning so I would "get it over with" as soon as possible. Not exactly the best way to approach a creative and emotional process right?
Now I try to feel more in sync with me. Maybe I'll keep writing in the mornings but if I do it it will be because that is what feels right.
The other thing I'm doing is getting rid of things. Since I came back I've been reorganizing closets, cabinets, etc. I feel cluttered!
I feel we have too much stuff that we don't use so we've been donating a lot of our clothes and things from our apartment that we don't use/need.
I'm also keeping basically the same diet that I had during the training: eating as much avocados as I can.
Besides the avocados my body has been craving fresh food. It doesn't mean that I eat only salads but I tend to add more greens or even eat green-only dishes. It's not something I'm planning on it's something that is simply happening.
Heinz has been craving these kinds of fresh foods too so we've been listening to our bodies and both of us feel everything is working better. Our digestion, our sleep, etc.
I also find myself needing to play music while I work. I have NEVER ever played music while I do anything. This is something completely new to me. I even find myself downloading music from Itunes. That was a first. I didn't even know how to do it!
Now, even though I talk about coming home the truth is I am currently blogging from sunny Miami. Heinz and I came here yesterday to spend Christmas and visit our family. This city has a special place in our hearts because it is where we got married.
My list of things to do in Miami include:
1. Finally trying out Bikram yoga! I have been dying to try it out but there are no Bikram studios in El Salvador. That is happening this week and guess who else is coming? The hubs! yes! Apparently the yoga bug has gotten into him too so he will join me in class.
2. Going for a run on the flattest terrain ever. FUN.
3. Surfboard shopping?
Apparently Heinz included a surfboard on his letter to Santa Claus. He's been a good boy this year so I think the reindeer are already flying with (or on) the board.
Will Ruth get a surfboard too? only the Christmas Sale knows.
Another thing that has kept me happy and very much excited about the holidays is our Advent Calendar. So far I've gotten a Runners magazine issue, colorful pens, swimming goggles, a Sparkly Soul headband, a mousepad, a lime shaped container, running socks, purple KT tape, bracelets, computer wipes and other fun things that escape my limited mind. Heinz has gotten a dinosaur, stickers, ear swaps, a dollar, Purell, Post-its and more.
I am keeping this tradition for good and I'm also publicly admitting that I underestimated Heinz and that he has managed to surprise me everyday with on-the-spot, I-really-needed-this, oh-you-were-listening presents.
For my Christmas (and final present) I would like Santa Claus to know that I love my hubby very much and having him with me is the best Advent/Christmas present I could ask for....but if a Kindle happens to await for me under the Christmas Tree I certainly won't complain.
Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!