Where have my recipes gone? I'll tell you.
But first lets do a little recap.
Last year I struggled (in a good sense) to come up with easy and delicious recipes that would help me smooth my way into a healthier diet.
I experimented. I was determined to try whatever I needed to try in order to incorporate more veggies and stay away from processed food. You may have heard this before and it's the truth: somewhere along the way it stops being about weight loss and it starts being about fueling your body.
Some recipes were a huge success for Heinz and me, others just for me and the rest were half eaten, tossed away and forgotten.
As the year ended I didn't feel I had to go out of my way to come up with a balanced meal and that leads us to today.
Lately I've been mixing things up. Literally.
What I do is:
1. Choose a green base
It's Brussel Sprouts season! I precook a batch and keep it in the fridge. Broccoli is also my go-to vegetable and I've recently discovered Chard (Acelga in spanish). Chard is a very green leaf that can be used in salads or boiled and sauteed just like Spinach. I personally don't like the taste of raw Spinach leaves and I feel I get a weird aftertaste. This is not the case with Chard. It's filled with nutrients and the taste is better than regular lettuce and a lot better than Spinach.
2. Mix something else
This varies from Quinoa, sauteed mushrooms, hard boiled eggs, cheese to broiled chicken strips. It's normally just one or two of them NOT all of them.
3. Adding the avocado touch.
Hi, my name is Ruth and I am avocadoholic.
4. The final touch
A drip of olive oil, lime drops and some salt.
That's it.
I put everything in a bowl, mix until the avocado turns into a paste that holds everything together and finally I eat this not-anthony-bourdain approved stuff right out of the bowl.
Nothing fancy, nothing out of the extraordinary and it's the same....every.single.day.
I used to get bored easily when it came to food. I was constantly looking out for recipes so I could keep myself "on track".
For some strange reason I'm not bored yet, maybe it will happen soon...maybe it wont.
Until that happens I'll enjoy this veggie bliss. If I come across a recipe worth sharing trust me I will and if you'd like me try one of your recipes please send it my way :)
How about you? have you noticed your relationship with food change in this past year? could it probably be the end of the Mayan calendar and those energy shifts that were supposed to happen? mmmm let me know.