In my fridge:
- Roast Beef (First time buying it. I somehow got the craving and found a small package at the super market)
- Turkey ham
- Munster cheese
- Fresh Mozzarella balls
- Cream Cheese
- Brie
- Broccoli
- Green Beans
- Brussels sprouts
- Sweet potatoes
- Pre-cut carrot sticks
- Celery sticks
- Quinoa
- Flour Tortillas
- Chickpeas
- Red beans
- Avocados
- A bag of spinach
- Basil
- Apples
- Bananas
- Sliced Pineapple
- Half of a Papaya
- Portbello mushrooms
- Almond Milk
- Coconut Water
- 2 beers
- 3 opened wine bottles (two reds one white in case you were wondering)
On my playlist:
- The Black Keys
- The Drive soundtrack
- Snatam Kaur
- Krishna Das
On my to-do list:
- Work on a Pranayama workshop
- A yoga practice focused on back pain and/or injuries
On my mind:
Easter Break!
I am counting the days till Easter Break. Heinz gets the entire week off so we rented a small romantic casita just for the two of us.
We are going to a nearby beach and the house is right by the ocean. Our plan is to not have any plans.
Well maybe just one and that is to finally finish my Murakami book. It is sooooooo good! and it's two books in one you yes, it's taking me a long time to read it but I am loving every page.
I got Heinz the Photojojo phone lens series as a Christmas gift. They are really fun to play with and my favorite one so far is the Fisheye.