I was on TV on behalf of the yoga studio where I work. We were there to discuss yoga and do a basic sequence. Calls from the viewers were taken and one question that people kept asking was to know about the contraindications of the practice.
I can't stress this enough but if you have any conditions or injuries you should always ask and get green light from your doctor. That is step number one.
Step number two is to always let your yoga teacher know BEFORE the class starts if you have any pre-existing condition.
I always try to be mindful about this. Before I start a class I spot any new students and ask them discreetly about conditions and injuries. I understand that not everybody is comfortable with letting every stranger in the room know about an injury.
Having said that here are my contraindications to practicing yoga and my suggested treatments:
C:/ If there is a tendency to being competitive. T:/ Try not to compare your practice/postures.
C:/ Type A personality syndrome T:/ It's yoga practice not yoga perfect (I read it in this issue of Yoga Journal and loved it.)
C:/ Severe case of overachievement T:/ Don't push yourself through your limits it's about letting yourself be.
My overall thought about this subject is that yes, physical aspects can restrain you from doing a posture but never from having a practice. There is a number of people with different body conditions that come to a yoga studio and their safety should always be a priority but I think there is one even more common and yet undiagnosed condition that is left untreated. Pre-existing mindsets are very common and not acknowledging them as if they where something to take precautions from could be as unsafe as not acknowledging any physical condition.
Now, I would love to take more questions from the audience.