I'll be completely honest..sometimes I have a love-hate relationship with El Salvador.
There...I said it.
Yeap, sometimes I love living here but argh!!! there are those days when I just want to run as far as I can. Specially now that campaign season has -unofficially- began for next year's presidential elections.
El Salvador can be great but oh there's an ugly side and man it gets to me, I let it get to me.
I've been hesitant to whether I should talk about it here but I decided to postpone it...WHY? well, last week was a good one.
I'm blessed to be surrounded by people who believe things can be different here. Actually they think THEY can make things different here. One of them is my sister and I know you may think I may be biased but I'm actually not.
She is a fashion designer and a pretty darn good one. Now, if being a fashion designer -anywhere in the world- is hard enough then multiply it by about a hundred times and that will give you an idea of how hard it can be to make a living out of it here.
But she has managed to do it. She designed El Salvador's olympic uniforms getting amazing reviews from all over the world and she recently launched her new collection. Both times she drew her inspiration from national elements.
The fact that she is reinterpreting parts of our culture to incorporate it to her clothes is beyond inspiring.
Where is this amazing collection available you might ask. Well ask no more! because this story just gets better.
Two very dear friends (they happen to be sisters too) recently opened a store.
Their goal is to -little by little- become the place where young talents (like my sister) can sell their products. Talk about doing things different and with such.good.taste! My sister was their first collaboration and last week there was a little party to host a private preview.
So you see, as I was telling you, I am blessed to be surrounded by inspiring, talented, make-your-dreams-come-true people and that is always suitable content for this blog. I may write about yoga, reading, eating or whatever makes me happy but whether it's yoga, running, fashion, cooking or parenting this blog is about making ourselves into whatever we dream to be. Like these three amazing ladies who not only have managed to make themselves into fashion designers and entrepreneurs but also into change agents, trend setters and opinion leaders in El Salvador.
This is The Backroom and my sister's heart-made fashion collection from tiny El Salvador.
Photo credits: me and Heinz. My talented husband will make it to another full post :)