I could make this easy and short and talk about whatever I'm up to lately.
What part of my body hurts, how many classes I've taught, what my weekend was like.
I could make it long and boring by deciding to talk about what's going on inside.
inside it is!
My brain has been going cou-cou. My perspective is shifting and I have absolutely no idea towards where or what.
I've been having the craziest dreams. I am known for having weird dreams. Ever since I was little I have been capable of having lucid dreams.
I don't even know if this is an ability or a gift but I remember telling my sister that I could make myself fly.
Before I turned 12 I was able to fly in my dreams, I can't remember exactly how young I was but I remember the house we used to live in so that sets a date. It was definitely before I turned 12.
I don't believe dreams are a omen of the future but I do believe in them. I believe it is your subconscious mind speaking whatever it is your conscious mind or your physical body don't allow to come out.
Lately I've realized that I am making sense out of many things. Past events and previous experiences seem to have driven me here where I am now. I don't mean here as in El Salvador although that is implicit but here HERE.
I am here...somewhere where I just am.
A point where I have so many questions but am entirely ok with having no answers. A place where there is no good or bad, things are just what they are.
Last week I took a yoga workshop where one of the subjects was perspective.
First of all let me tell you how much I love L.O.V.E getting a chance to share with my local yoga community. I truly believe it is the best people I could be friends with.That is a true gift yoga has given me, the chance to meet people who share the same sense of balance, love, unity, wholeness...you name it we share it.
That particular day the opening question at the workshop was: why are you here?
It is hard to pick one answer to that question. At least for me it is.
It's hard to put into words everything that's going through my head. I haven't decided if writing about it actually helps or on the contrary it limits my ability to see beyond my thoughts.
I feel like something is going on in my life but I can't describe or even pin point what it is.
I am opened to finding out...or not.
Maybe my conscious mind doesn't grasp whatever is going on (is it in a spiritual level maybe?) but I know something is up.
I can feel it.
Aaaaaand I leave you with one of my favorite TED talks. Even though it may seem like it's not related to what I am talking about it actually is...or maybe not. What do you think?