Today marks the end to an entire week off.
San Salvador was partially shut down due to some religious holidays and we got ourselves a pretty darn good chunk of vacation.
I wasn't as lucky as the hubby who is going back to work after having almost 10 days off to -mostly- eat and chill.
I, on the other hand, had to teach classes from Wednesday on. But don't get me wrong this is not a complaint . I loved starting and ending my days with yoga classes and then having the rest of the day to cuddle up with Heinz.
Vacation-Heinz I must say is not the same man I married. He becomes a very fun variation of his usual self. I like vacation-Heinz, I also like Sunday-afternoon Heinz too (not the morning one). Oh and Christmas Heinz is awesome!
Another, very remarkable, event was my birthday.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd the best part of it was that I treated my self to some vintage books. Although to say vintage is an overstatement they are basically second-hand books or three-dollars-each books.
I looooooooooove them. I went to my favorite thrift shop and was welcomed by piles and piles of books. I was there to pick up some new (used? what to call them?) pots for my plants and the books were a pleasant surprise.
I convinced myself to only get no more than 20$ worth of books and it.was.hard. Two hours later I finally ended up getting a, very well curated, collection of six books.
I'm currently reading Poser (along with like...4 more books! ) I wish I was a faster reader. I'd really like that. I wonder if it comes with age.
I turned 31 and up until last year I never had any special celebrations. I used to hide for my birthdays and always kept it very family oriented. I don't like birthday celebrations buy my parents do like them so there is always a family dinner for any of our birthdays.
This was until last year, but everything changed last year and well, turning 30 was spectacular! Nothing special happened, I didn't get a bigger house and there were no fancy travels. It was just a shift in my perspective.
Last year I started to feel more like myself. I started to let go of what I wanted to become. I started to like not being on the road and always searching for a goal to feel proud of myself. I started to like myself for who I am. And that, my friends, deserved a celebration.
- No pictures here as they are all too blurry or well, embarrassing, and not for me but for the attendees -
For me August doesn't mean a year older but it marks, and it always has, new beginnings.
Even though I never partied my soul out for my birthday, this month has always been about beginning new chapters. I've started new jobs, gone to live abroad and taken important decisions in August.
So 31... Meh, it's just a number but a pretty awesome one.
Birthday aside, the rest of the week was filled with this:
And this: