>>>To love
Specially myself. I choose to never look at myself with disapproval.
>>> To let go.
Any burdens, hurtful memories and unhappy thoughts...I choose to let them go.
>>> To share.
Even those embarrassing moments, falls and mistakes...I choose not to hide them.
>>> Truth instead of politeness.
I choose to stay away from anything that is not based on honesty.
>>> Honesty.
Not only in relationships but with everything I like and don't like.
If I like to travel. I'll travel.
If I don't like to multitask I simply will. not. do. it.
>>> To face any consequences of being my true self.
I am willing to accept the consequence of my decisions even though this could mean being unfriended (on Facebook), un-followed (on Twitter or Instagram) and disliked (in real life)
I chose me and my own, very personal, path.