I'm not kean on suffering voluntarily! and most important, I've said it before and I'll stay true to myself forever : I-L-O-V-E-F-O-O-D.
And for whatever reason (irony maybe) life pairs me up with the food grinch.
So Heinz saw this documentary about people going into this type of fast where they didn't eat any food for 21 straight days.
He became really interested in this -what to call it?- eh movement? To the point where he was contemplating the idea of going 21 days without any food.
I mean...really?
He got me to listen to him (I didn't watch the documentary) and I even thought about it for a minute but then dismissed his ramblings.
Not to discredit Heinz from the idea but the truth is that I haven't been feeling so good lately. I'm having digestive issues but mostly I feel tired. It's nothing too big but I can definitely feel a difference.
It makes me wonder if it is a yogic path that eventually lands you here. Here as in the day that you feel your insides are speaking to you. Here as in the day where I am actually doing a cleanse.
Before I made the decision I took into consideration two facts:
1. I felt obstructed. I wouldn't even know how to describe it but I felt my body needed a clean up. This coming from a girl who swore to never even consider a cleanse has got to scream how much I think I needed it.
2. I wouldn't die. Most likely I'd survive one day on liquids.
The juice detox seemed to be a milder approach to this whole cleansing thing so today I'm just trying it out to see how I feel and just to check out what happens.
Three words: I am hungry.
It's almost 6:00 PM and all I can think of is how hungry I feel. But I actually don't feel hungry. I think I just feel empty.
Is one day minimum and three days maximum. I'm just doing it today - oh- and Heinz too, obviously.
The detox I chose is a pack of 6 juices you drink (in a particular order) throughout the day and then finish off with a fresh bottle of cashew milk. For lunch you get a green vegetable soup which was a major break - and a pleasant delish surprise- from the juices. I'm really looking forward to that milk!
I bought the pack from an organic juice bar here in El Salvador and so far I think I like it. I mean....I guess the word like is too broad but the truth is I don't hate it.
I have only one juice to go and it's beets...what can I say....this day I've felt I'm crossing the line, a line I thought I would never cross. The day I did a juice detox and didn't hate it!
*uptade* beet juice was disgusting but the cashew milk....yum!