After a 15 hour flight we are in Hong Kong but first it was LA.
Oh was my first time here and I didn't really know what to expect. Would it be too Kardashiany? too Hollywoody? Would it be too organic, non-dairy, vegan friendly, gluten free and fare trade for me?
It sure was and wasn't.
Heinz was supposed to do a cinematography course here but then the dates got changed and we had already booked the rest of the trip so we decided just to spend a few days here before flying off to Asia.
Funny enough my parents were also in LA. They were coming back from Hawaii and also decided to spend a few days in LA before going back to El Salvador.
Families think alike right? It really was a coincidence.
Heinz and I stayed in Santa Monica because we wanted to stay close to the beach (note to self: non-tropical-girl-friendly freezing water temperature) Our first option was Venice but somehow we ended up in Santa Monica which is right next to Venice anyways.
It was funny to see how Heinz blended in with all the wild and crazy. He got style compliments! Style compliments! He was a happy husband.
I on the other hand became suspicious. I mean....all these people working out and walking with their mats under their arm! Could it really be so healthy living oriented? I don't know. I don't know.
We arrived last Thursday and left on Monday and I would say that was yesterday but honestly I don't even know what day today is. Apparently I time traveled and now monday is completely gone. Vanished. Or was it Tuesday that vanished?
We had our first big fight in LA and this, this is what I was dreading. Heinz and I are very independent. We sure live together and are mostly a happy couple but with his job we kind of each do our own thing. He works a lot, I teach my yoga classes and try to spend as much time in between together. Sometimes that means the weekend, sometimes that means having lunch together and sometimes that means only sleeping on the same bed.
One of my fears about this trip was to drastically change our couple dynamics and it bothers me that I even have to think about this but well, it is what it is. We would be spending two months together 24/7 which isn't even that much but I was afraid that it would take us some time to adjust. How much time that would be was what scared me. Would we spend a couple of days, a week, a month...our entire trip "adjusting"?
Of course the fight was about something stupid. It wouldn't count as a fight if it didn't had two big elements: stupidity and me crying. I was quietly weeping as I rode my bike which is kind of a mix between dramatic and very reality show content like.
Anyways, the bigger non-stupid fights are called crisis,, for sure this was just a fight and it was because when Heinz said turn HERE, he meant right and for me HERE meant go straight ahead.
Two blocks of confusion later and our conversation wasn't about where right or left was, it turned into a who's in charged of what discussion with a mix of "you have to trust me" arguments by Heinz and some classical unspoken thoughts by me.
I didn't want to plan for a perfect trip. I have learned that perfect isn't real but I did want to plan for a good time together by mostly avoiding things that makes us snap at each other.
I tend to carry stuff with me and that is way out of Heinz's reach. Apologies were issued but I couldn't let it go and that is something I have to learn how to do because I refuse to carry more weight than that of my backpack on this trip.