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Posted on 05/26/2014 at 03:06 PM in Yoga Inquiries | Permalink | Comments (1)
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As I walk this path that was once a scary place for me I ask myself:
What is it that has really changed?
The path caresses the same boundaries, the sounds are as loud and deafening as they used to be, the smell is a hidden but misleading sweetness yet as I keep walking I find that now it is a place quite opposite to scary. I find it welcoming.
Before entering this void I remember convincing myself that I had to rush my way through it. Now, every time I'm about to enter this dark place I feel empowered.
"This is it. Go." I tell myself softly.
Now as I start to walk, I don't rush but I wander.
Aren't we born from a void anyways? aren't we gestated in a lightless, borderless womb?
Once we enter this life we are presented with two options. Either we rush through life or we become wanderers.
The ones who chose to become wanderers instantly join a tribe. A tribe of misfits. Always too weird to be normal, too vegetarian to be careless, too careless to be serious, too serious to be free. We never fit in, we are never satisfied, always looking for more questions, always looking for new places.
We thrive in the unknown, finding joy in having no answers.
As we know that as soon as we get a definite answer we become stuck. We are glued to the ground with the concrete of certainty.
That is why instead of answers we enter an eternal quest for inquiry.
It is a life filled with improvised decisions and it is, for sure, the road less traveled but full of lessons and treasures. Filled with love and acceptance.
Nature is so wise. When did we stop learning from it?
As I stop to contemplate this path where I can't see neither its beginning or its end, I ask myself:
What wants to happens now?
The short answer is that I want to keep entering this void. Over and over and over.
Why? Is it less dark? less empty? less scary? No.
The long answer is that in the darkness, emptiness and fear of the unknown I found the whole universe. I found the planets and the stars, Jesus, Buddha and my grandfather chilling with all the great sages, the writers, the painters. I found the past and the future. But most important I found the eternal now where I can share my present time with everyone and everything.
It is here where I found God or better yet, God found me.
As God inhabits the most uncertain of the certain territories. He wanders in the emptiness of the unknown.
I guess that is what has really changed. The fact that I can now call this void something. I can call it God.
So every time someone tells me they're scared of the unknown I think of how I once found this void scary. What I would have lost if I decided to become a planted answering book.
Give me emptiness, give me uncertainty because I know that even if my eyes can't see it is there where I will find raw honesty, love but above all truth.
Posted on 05/15/2014 at 12:49 PM in Yoga Inquiries | Permalink | Comments (0)
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