I'd say weekends here at the Koberniks' are carelessly elaborate.
They are a mix made of watching movies and mastering the art of equally alternating between eating out and cooking in.
Artsy right?!
We were on this amazing weekend streak where every single movie we watched was plain epic. Until one day we ended up watching one that wasn't. Simply unexplainable. It's not that I didn't like it, it's just that well, I didn't understand it.
Let me bring up exhibit A to elaborate my point, has anyone watched this movie by Alejandro Jodoroswky called The Holy Mountain? If you haven't please go ahead and do so, come back and shoot me an email with your interpretation because that movie was way beyond (like waaaaaaay beyond) any type of reality my mind is able to grasp.
It all started like this, during this good movie streak I ended up watching a documentary called Dune, which claimed to tell the story of the alleged greatest movie never made.
Uhm, intrigued!
It featured Alejandro Jodorowsky, a film director who's best described as indescribable but hey, the guy seemed really cool! Every word he said had me nodding and awing, he was witty and smart, like I-got-Dali-to-be-in-my-movie kind of smart so I asked Mr. Cinema Connoisseur -A.K.A my husband- about Alejandro and suggested to watch a movie he had made. Hubby reluctantly agreed but agreed nonetheless.
Man do I regret that day.
Although I doubt Jodorowsky's intent was to make me laugh I found the movie disturbingly funny, mostly disturbing but in a good way.
After The Holy Mountain episode we decided that we would go back to plain good ol' cinema and we are in a French phase right now.
Heinz is teaching me about the Nouvelle Vague and it's cool because well, everything that comes from France is cool.
My husband is like a character taken out of a movie...OR DAWSON'S CREEK! Heinz is a film director who used to work in a video store while he was in film school. So yes, he is a real life cuter version of James Van der Beek (we won't tell him that I was always a Pacey fan) and even though we tend to disagree on which movie to watch (too out there for me, to chick flick for him), although he gets on my nerves taking hours (and I really am not being dramatic) browsing through Netflix unable to decide on one movie I really love that he knows a lot. I'm talking years, artistic movements, producers, photographers and screenwriters' names. Do you see what I have here? My very own google/IMDB hybrid real life app sitting right here with me. He really should get patented.
The only problem is he doesn't like to talk while we are watching a movie and I don't either but some times (ok, maybe a lot of times) I have so many questions about the movie that I can't pile them up until the end. I would end up talking about the movie for two full days!
Our weekend's fanciest aspect is brewing coffee. Cold brewing is currently on full throttle. The good thing, no wait, the BEST thing about this type of brewing is that you pre-make a batch and it will last you a limited amount of time depending on the your level of consumption. I'll say for us it's about two to three days.
Movies and a good cup of cold brewed coffee is weekend heaven and not all movies have had an unfavorable reception. For Heinz's last birthday I got him a copy of Les enfants du Paradis. It's a three-freaking-hour long movie. Black and white totally down Heinz's alley.
Who but most importantly, why? but I thought ...at least it's not a silent movie.
Oh Lord it was worth it. It was a perfect choice. This movie is just like the weekend, they are meant to be enjoyed.
A love story that's more about everything else than about love.
With an undefined ending but an ending nonetheless, words were ungenerous but compensated for with characters that had more brightness and contrast than a full color movie.
A story of stories in France during the German occupation. It's unpretentious French cinema at its best.
To sum up, our weekends are a perfect mix of eating out and cooking in, Nouvelle Vague and Dawson's Creek enjoyed with a cup of cold brewed coffee with almond milk. Because what is life now if not a consequence of constantly having to pick teams. What Pacey is to almond milk Dawson is to dairy.
Some other French movies I have loved are "Le trou" and "Les 400 coups" Neither of them are three hours long.
I leave you with a snapshot of our fridge. I think it tells our story.
Oh yes, we have extented our family. His name is Archie and he likes to watch movies too, mostly French ;)