I mean...in terms of the "update" part I can report that I am still, just like I have been for the past 20-something years, the slowest reader ever.
I can't keep up with everything I want to read and all my books keep piling up and my wish-list on Amazon is a never ending queue.
The picture at the end shows what was supposed to be my reading material for January. February has started and I'm not even half way done with the first two on the list:
1. Guns, germs and steel and 2. Pride and Prejudice.
Long story short I received a somewhat mediocre education. Growing up in El Salvador can be limiting. The education you get is as good as the one you can afford and my parents couldn't afford something different than what I got.
Mostly I feel like I need to catch up on so.many.things! I'm talking basic Geography and History. It wasn't until recently that I learned the whole Cro-magnon, Neanderthal and Homo sapiens thing. I do take my reading very seriously because it's been the only way of educating myself on what I wasn't taught in High School. Getting to learn some side things like spells and how Amy Poehler got into Saturday Night Live are, of course, perks that come with the job.
I don't find that there's something wrong with being a slow reader it's my ambition to know everything what drives me crazy.
The more I seem to think I know, the more I realize I know nothing and that keeps me wanting to learn even more.
I want to know how people think. What can make someone laugh or cry. I want to know who Jane Austen was and why some people claim she was so witty. I want to know why some countries are more industrialised than others. How Lena Dunham became a writer. Why Cheryl Strayed walked the Pacific Crest Trail. I want to understand what the Odyssey is! What a myth is. How time works. Who Arjuna Is.
Questions are my thing. What spells are to Harry, what jokes are to Amy...that's what questions are to me. I realized one day that my Questions were my Quests.
People have asked me if I question e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Although it may seem like the opposite the answer is actually, no. I don't think I question everything I'm just...QUESTing.
I'm questing. I'm wandering through life, each quest(ion) at a time. No destination in mind. Like a lost city girl walking in nature, being amazed by the harmless wilderness she once thought would be scary.
Questing won't get you lost. It will take you to the most extraordinary places on this earth and beyond.
Wandering won't get you lost and I didn't come up with that, Tolkien did. So, there.
Question, quest, wander and be amazed...one step at a time, one page at a time.
Eventually I'll get through this pile.