More often than not I find myself daunted by existential questions of life such as: What is Archie!?
Equally unsettling is the: Should I post more about yoga or should I write about Archie? which only drives me back to the unanswered question of not knowing what goes on inside that head of his?! Some times I think he goes EMO on me.
Truth be told it's been a long time since I have mentioned any of the three things that this blog was built upon.
Even though I still run, sort of cook and teach yoga for a living it seems to me that I've gotten the hang of it by now. What was once a daily struggle -in the most struggling kind of way- feels now like a routine -in the less routine-kind of way-
The novelty of running was slowly replaced by the novelty of starting a new book. A yoga class for a movie and exploring a new ability such as cooking gave me enough confidence to explore the ability of cutting my own hair.
Maybe "replaced" is not the right word, shared would be more accurate.
I now share my love and divide my interest between elements of a wider spectrum.
I've taken up dance classes, enrolled in three online courses and keep myself busy adding books to my reading queue. A never ending story which, if it wasn't due to procrastination I would say it was poetic.
...Ruth, the girl with the never-ending reading queue... <--poetic!
What is also poetic is the sudden rush of inspiration I got for sharing new recipes. Nothing fancy, always easy and rather meaningful to me so I'm working on a series of recipes that include part of the story of our time living in Spain, another one with my thoughts of growing up in El Salvador, my experience using local ingredients and also making my own version of foods I've tasted abroad.
Since Archie and food does not an appetite-appealing post make I will share them separately. Making this officially an Archie related post. I have no choice but to end it with more pictures of a dog who has decided to divide his interest into sleeping, hunting down bugs, yogurt and finding new ways of getting belly rubs.