Rainy season has started. Water that falls from the sky to reveal all the green beneath. The lush shades of a tropical country in full bloom.
Its two major characteristics: Sporadic showers and warm, cloudy nights followed by even warmer and cloudier days.
For some it becomes a time of constant shielding. Self-evident expressions such as "It's raining" often become an unjustified reason to excuse yourself from social engagements.
Personally rain does not disrupt my somewhat ordinary life -au contraire- it enhances my afternoons, soothes my nights and cools down my thoughts.
I don't mind the rain because I actually love the rain. Water soothes me.
On that note Still the Water is my latest find. Although my actual find is its director Naomi Kawase.
Still the Water is the exact movie you would expect from Terrence Malick if he were Japanese but above all, a woman.
A tribute to life and a poem to nature particularly to the birthing/rebirthing quality of water.
Soul-soothers is what I like to call to call them. Stories so solid but yet so gentle. Like haikus but you know, longer.
Finding one is like the rare spotting of a hummingbird. It catches your eye quick enough to give you a glimpse of the sudden fleeing of life but just long enough to sense its beauty.
Watching them leaves me full of desire to get out and live! They make me want to go and eat something sweet, try out a new trend like high-rise jeans or -why not?- even consider going no-poo!
The ones I like the most, Wanderlust porn.
Either by exploring old streets of a new city, hiking trails or discovering untraced paths these movies tell the story of a free spirit trying to get the most out of the human experience, walking through life as a pilgrimage.
Like a much yearned shower on a warm-season day this is my list of refreshing, soothing and magical movies. All of them perfect for a rainy season movie binge to satisfy that sort of craving that's larger than life.
>>Still the Water / Naomi Kawase<<
>>Into the wild / Sean Penn<<
>> Midnight in Paris/ Woody Allen<<
>>Before sunrise, sunset, midnight trilogy / Richard Linklater<<
>>Sideways / Alexander Payne<<
>>The motorcycle diaries / Walter Salles<<
>>Only Yesterday / Studio Ghibli<<
>>Kon-Tiki /
Documentary: Thor Heyerdahl /
Movie: Joachim Ronning and Espen Sandberg <<
>>Wild / Jean-Marc Valle<<