I keep wanting to write about the weather.
About the perceivable changes.
Obvious ones like the color of the trees. Subtle ones like the temperature of the air.
But I never take the pictures so I never write this post.
Yet, I keep wanting to write about the weather.
Chilled mornings. Transitioning to warm coffee.
My sleep patterns and also Archie's.
He hibernates.
During the colder months we all wake up later than usual.
Heinz is the first one though that is not something seasonal.
He takes Archie out for his morning walk.
When they come back Archie gets into our bed so we can snuggle for an hour or until I smell coffee.
I get up and notice the light in the room.
The sun has started to sleep in too.
Something's shifted.
The Jacarandas know.
The purple-flower trees went from naked to green.
Their winter fur.
Evergreens are still green but their bark smell gives it away.
Halloween decorations are out as if to scare people to rush into their hearths.
The synchronicity of it all.
Weather's suggestion of going inside as the year is about to end.
My desk faces a window that I kept fully open in summer.
Half-way closed for fall.
Completely shut during the winter.
The cycle of nature inherent.
My mornings feeling sacred.
Meanwhile, Archie is still asleep.