a description by Maya Kobernik
This is an attempt to write something without judging me.
While also being honest.
Al cocinarse los frijoles crecen el doble.
So I decided to talk about Archie.
Archie saved my life. <--- Would that be judging?
No, but it definitely sets a bias for the story I am about to tell.
I get easily distracted by the things I love.
But, how can I not?
What I love is never a distraction.
Actually, it is the opposite.
Also, yoga saved my life. And running. And writing.
Because those are all manifestations of one thing.
An inner voice.
My voice.
A voice.
There is a voice. Sometimes it speaks thoughts, sometimes feelings.
Sometimes it writes love poems. Others hate letters.
Angry letters.
It gets frustrated I suspect mostly with my constant need to ask for permission.
Things I would like to do but fear will make others feel bad.
I don't like to make people feel bad. <--- But it happens.
The other side of that coin is to constantly please others.
That is one of the easiest way to let life escape me.
I am here for myself. Representing me and only me.
Also, people should not take it personal.
Ignoring the voice makes me feel trapped. A prisoner. As if I am moving inside an actual prison.
That is when I need that inner voice the most.
Because it hides.
When I stop listening to her it leaves and hides.
Behind what is already hidden.
Thus the deeper the journey.
Each time I need to go get her.
I need to go deeper.
To make our way back.
Walking, dancing, reading, running and writing.
Smiling, laughing, screaming, panting and crying.
That is love.